What is life?

The journey of life involves growth, transformation, and transcendence with the aim of healing and reconnecting with our true self and highest consciousness. Our soul has become disconnected, leading to the feelings of emptiness, loneliness and suffering, but by breaking free from the adverse experiences, limited beliefs and values that hold us back, we can achieve clarity and align with highest consciousness.

Many individuals may not be aware of the fact that they are living in an insincere manner. Taking Kim for an example, she lived an inauthentic life trying to appease everyone around her. She was afraid to speak her mind and reveal her emotions, instead putting on a false front to pretend to be someone she was not. Kim felt compelled to say yes even when she meant to say no and would dress to fit in to impress others, even though it made her uncomfortable. She felt like she was living a secret life that was gradually consuming her.

One day, at the age of forty, the physical and emotional stress took a toll on her. Kim took some time to reflect on her life and realized that she was unhappy, unfulfilled, and miserable. None of her actions were making her feel better. She realized that she had been fulfilling everyone else's needs but her own, neglecting her own dreams and desires.

With healing and supporting, Kim took steps to make positive changes in her life. She established healthy boundaries, began practicing self-care through meditation and nature walks, and engaged in activities that brought her joy such as painting and writing.

Gradually, Kim's life started to transform for the better. She no longer worried about what others thought of her, but instead focused on what would make her happy and fulfilled. She felt free to express herself without hiding her thoughts and feelings. She was no longer concerned with fitting in, but with being her authentic self.

In a tech-driven world, it's easy to become distant from ourselves and others, losing the connection with our five senses and the ability to form deep human relationships. To lead a happier and healthier life, it is crucial to first heal internal unresolved issues, then move towards our Higher-Self by embracing authenticity, practicing deep listening, speaking wisely, taking responsibility, making a positive impact, and continuously learning and growing.


Overcoming My Motherhood Struggle